Saturday, November 03, 2007

At the dimming of the day

When I looked up from typing my blog yesterday evening, the room was bathed in sunset. Nipped up to the roof to take a picture...


Don Amaro said...

Beauty! Coincidence that I have just added a slide show of other beautiful pictures of Madeira in my blog (

SaraC said...
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SaraC said...

Really stunning - you do realise you will have to include "amazing sunsets" in your estate agent's list of requirements for your next place of residence, wherever that may be, or else you are going to have major withdrawal symptoms. That said, Ireland does do some pretty magnificent sunsets of its own.

Orlaith said...

You know, I wake up in the morning and look out over the ocean, and I think "remember this. remember this sense of space".

Yep, there'll be a whole lot of adjusting to do.