Monday, September 11, 2006

Some art with your caffeine?

A guy came to read the water metre today. Sending someone to take readings and issue water bills by hand is just pointless if the bills are only for 2 euro. The water board would be better off setting up donation boxes at regular intervals.

In other news, I'm on to the next story, which is set in a coffee house. My eyes were opened to the world of latte art today - who knew! Man I used to be happy just getting chocolate sprinkles...


Anonymous said...

When I order coffee I always try to make similar art on it ....... but it is very hard with a 'bica'!

"Menina! Can I have a toothpick and magnifying glass also."

Orlaith said...

For those who haven't seen a bica: you know the litre-cup of weak thin coffee you get in a US gas station? This is its inverse: a thimble-full of strong thick coffee.

Anonymous said...

if you are interested, has heaps of latte art photos

Orlaith said...

Wow some of these are just fabulous. I can only imagine how much espresso I'd drink if I was learning to do latte art. Thanks!