Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sniffly Spidey

I went to see Spidey 3 today (6 other people in the cinema). Oh dear, the cast of Schindler's List cried less. Even the closing credits had Snow Patrol singing some tearful number. There's only so much footage of huge watery eyes that you can take (I'm sure we all remember the hobbits climbing up that bleedin' mountain in the last LOTR; hour after hour of Elijah Wood's big blinkey teary eyes). The special effects were great, as was the camera-work, but the film was poorly-executed. Shame.

And here's a photo for Sara, who may be missing the flowers of the island...


SaraC said...

Well, they are certainly a lot prettier than the colourful vista of cars and blowing crisp packets that greeted me on the A12 as I walked from the tube station to work this morning.. May that is what my part of London needs to regenerate- nasturtiums..

Orlaith said...

Nasturtiums: a panacea for urban regeneration - discuss.