Thursday, June 21, 2007

Night and Day

Popcorn for lunch. Unbeatable.

Ideally, you need a movie to watch as well. I was loitering through tv sites online and came across The Ghost Whisperer.

Your instincts are right: it's like The Horse Whisperer, but with ghosts. And instead of Robert Redford, you have Jennifer Love Hewitt. And some ghosts. Too funny.

Anyhoo, there's an abandoned swimming pool down at the Flat Space (that makes it sound like someone pulled up during the night and dumped it). An empty, unmaintained pool, I should say. Although it's stocked with sun loungers, I've never seen anyone in the pool. I suppose it could be reserved for nightswimming...

And in other news: today is the summer solstice. Yes, the beer mark on the terrace is already shifting, which in turn affects the sunshiney nap schedule. It all goes downhill from here.

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